Photos from Biomath 2012
Below are links to some galeries of photos. If you would like to submit your photos we will gladly display them here or provide a link to your album. Thank you for your participation.Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Registration and Abstract Submission
Pre-registration and Abstract Submission for BIOMATH 2012 are now closedNew:
There are requests from some participants for Certificate of Participation. We will issue such Certificate on request. Please let us know by 31 May whether you need one.
Participants will receive a receipt for payment of the registration fee upon registration in Sofia. If any other documentation is required by your institution, please let the organizers
know well in advance.
Registration Fees
Early Bird Registration Fee (by 30 April 2012): 200 Euro
Regular Registration Fee (by 31 May 2012): 240 Euro
Late registration Fee (at conference desk): 280 Euro
Accompaning person: 100 Euro
The registration fee covers conference materials, tea/coffee breaks, lunches on conference days, official dinner and excursion.
Students receive 50% reduction. Supervisor's letter is required. Student fee does not cover excursion.
Payments can be made to the following account:
Bank: Raiffeisen Bank
Address of Bank: 101 Tzarigradsko Shose Blvd, 1113 Sofia
IBAN: BG51RZBB91551001997223
Beneficiary: Forum Biomath
Please write your surname as a reference. Bank charges should be borne by the registrant.
All payments will be acknowledged by e-mail when received.